Our Story

Adja’s is named after its owner Coumba Adja and her daughter Maia Adja. Coumba was born and raised in Dakar, Senegal and majority of Adja’s products are produced and shipped straight from the motherland.

Shea trees are indigenous to many parts of Africa and produce fruit with very oil-rich seeds inside. The fat is extracted and turned into butter which has several nourishing and beneficial qualities, while also not posing hardly any nut-allergy risks or side effects.

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This is how Adja’s came to be. Coumba was experiencing some really bad acne and skin problems. She tried several different products and even saw a dermatologist who prescribed medicinal products and nothing would work. One day she met an African friend and began opening up and talking about her insecurities with her skin problem. Her friend asked why she was not using traditional African products or butters that she grew up using. This triggered Coumba to begin using African Black Soap and after consistently using for several weeks all of her acne was gone. 

After seeing the effects of using natural products, Coumba began the journey of communicating and organizing with family back in Senegal in order to make these products available and help out other people who are fighting bad acne or scarring. But not only that, but to maintain natural healthy and soft skin.